Step into spring

Spring. The very word brings images of fresh air and sunshine, flowers, and trees budding and the sweet smell of the earth warming and awakening. It never fails to bring a smile to people’s faces, and the cheery optimism that comes with longer days. We bask in the first warm day, taking in the sun’s embrace like a flower, turning to face it and enjoying the feeling it spreads, going straight to the heart. We yearn to see the beautiful colors that start to bloom everywhere, the brightness of the sun accentuating everything you see. Spring is like one big cat like stretch, with all the readiness to go out, explore and be more social.

People start moving; the yard beckons, walks are more favorable and yearned for. The couch potato becomes a thing of winter past. Nature truly is our most powerful medicine. All the simple things that we forget are there for us, are noticed once again. We have a need to go outside after being cooped up for so long against the cold dark winter. Our bodies were designed for movement, but our more complicated suburban and city living doesn’t fit the mold too much anymore, and modern conveniences have taken over. But, as we learn, sometimes more conveniences and choices  equal more complications. Simply speaking,  it has trained us to rely on the internet and phone to do the walking for us!

Stick with the simple things. Breathe fresh air, take in the sunshine, enjoy the company of family and friends, drink clean water, eat clean foods, love what you do and be active each day. These are the only things you need to truly stay healthy and happy for a long time to come.

So, enjoy the good weather that has finally arrived and put that “spring” into your step!



About healththroughsimpleliving

I'm a fifty five year old lover of nature and natural healing. I've been involved in the health food/alternative healing industry for 20 years. I love to reach out and help others to lead a healthier life. My partner has a degree in chiropractic, homeopathy and is a clinical nutritionist. I help with the nutritional consults as well as helping people plan custom natural beauty solutions that range from anti aging to safe things to use for infants and children.
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