
Spring is time for growth. Tender green shoots appear, beautiful buds and flowers that offer a canvas of exploding color everywhere you turn. Life has begun again.

It is a time when people begin anew too. Hope springs up alongside life stirring as nature awakens. People smile more. We begin to notice small things- like the bird that comes under the window and sings its morning song; the sun that rises and warms us earlier than before, beckoning us to start our day and explore the possibilities. Each new day offers us just what the season of spring encompasses- GROWTH. Every day, we can begin anew forgetting the mistakes and moving on to make strides, learn and make everything in our world right.

Spring makes us appreciate what’s good. It’s a time when people slow down a bit, start to sit outside and eat a delicious meal, or have a drink with friends on a terrace overlooking a beautiful scene, or sidewalk cafe.  We can delight in a pre-season walk along the beach, listening to the waves crash as the still cool wind carries a salty mist with it as the gulls sing their songs and the sun brings promise of the coming summer heat.  We are in touch with the earth as we dig and make room for new plants and flowers for our gardens. Inspiration comes easier, as moods lift along with  longer periods of daylight and the accompanying warmth that promises to stay.

It’s a perfect time to simplify our routines, clean up our eating a bit or perhaps even act on those resolutions we tend to make at the New Year and never really quite start. So, put a happy spring in your step, start your day with a smile and quite simply, choose to grow in every way!

About healththroughsimpleliving

I'm a fifty five year old lover of nature and natural healing. I've been involved in the health food/alternative healing industry for 20 years. I love to reach out and help others to lead a healthier life. My partner has a degree in chiropractic, homeopathy and is a clinical nutritionist. I help with the nutritional consults as well as helping people plan custom natural beauty solutions that range from anti aging to safe things to use for infants and children.
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2 Responses to Growth

  1. Wonderful post. I just tweeted it! 🙂

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