Our Amazing World

The world is filled with amazing things that we keep discovering whether in our natural world or the world we have created for ourselves. When we find something old, it becomes new again. It could be finding  grandmother’s old quilt in a chest, bringing back memories long forgotten. Looking at it gives a feeling of safety, perhaps remembering warm milk with cookies  or  the feeling of complete acceptance without any judgement from another human being.  We may visit a place in the woods or the ocean, and the smell and visual bring us right back to our childhood, bringing happiness to us as we sit there and enjoy a moment from our past. Our memories are full of things stored from the past, awakening when we run across an item, an article or a chance meeting with someone from youth or another part of our life’s journey.

As we know, life today is much different than it was just a mere decade ago. Unfortunately, we are overloaded,  have sleep problems,  suffer from anxiety, and rush to go from one thing to the next without a break. No wonder we are a nation of overweight, undernourished (not enough REAL food), stressed and tired people! People seem to constantly run to the doctor for a solution, only to be told it’s in their head or give out a prescription for the symptoms or “disease”. There now begins a new cascade of problems on top of what we already have- side effects to these medications, which then continue to require more meds for the side effects! This becomes a never ending cycle, and a battle that doesn’t  really solve our problems.

The solution lies in a simple word: BALANCE. If your world is not in balance, neither will your body feel that way! The medications and needless running around  as to what the media filled world tells us we need to buy, do or be on- just won’t work. We are looking to the wrong things! Nature has always been our medicine since the beginning of time. It is our balm for afflictions, with effort from us. We have all the equipment needed to help ourselves. We are just too wrapped up in all the highly technological and wired world  that  constantly bombards us with false information, thinking the solution is there.

Remember, we are  made up of energy. The earth and all that surrounds us is also made up of energy. We need to come back to balance with that energy, and all will be well in our world. We need to take back control instead of letting the things we are constantly confronted with.

We have thousands of plants that surround us that (yes, those pesky weeds in our gardens that we kill) which contain high nutritional value. Instead of utilizing them for our health, we think they are a nuisance! We need to feel the earth with our bodies to connect to nature- whether with our hands or our feet (gardening or walking on the ground without shoes), so we can feel calmer, and more focused.

Imagine, there are so many things that WE can provide for ourselves, without relying on anyone else….and in this way, we can be free from disease to really enjoy what life can  bring us. Remember that oftentimes we cannot change our circumstances. We can, however, change our response to them.

Our amazing and wonderful world, quietly sits there waiting for us.  It waits for us to sit up and take notice and use what is readily available every day.  Quite simply, we need to take a moment, slow down and bring balance back to our lives.

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Take a moment

There are times when we all feel we lose ourselves to the world at large. Where do we fit in? How, despite our best efforts do we still feel stressed, are  always running somewhere doing something. We all know that we need to slow down. We know we need room to breathe, yet achieving that almost always seems impossible.

Who are we? Mother, friend, daughter, teacher, lover, partner, writer, nurturer….Father, son, friend, lover, breadwinner, mechanic, landscaper, plumber, problem solver- you get the picture. We wear so many  hats, that we lose ourselves in the running. There just doesn’t seem enough time set aside to take a moment and be you.

When was the last time you sat down and thought about what you’d really like to do- and really went out and did it? Perhaps fishing on a quiet lake for a few hours, or taking a sketchbook and drawing in the place of your choice, away from everything would make your heart and soul sing- because this is who you are.

As children, we always seem to be in a hurry to grow up. Growing up and freedom seem to be words that to children, go hand in hand. How many times have we said “when I grow up, I’m going to do  (insert wish)!” We think that being grown up, we can do anything.
We learn differently, however. As adults, just starting out, there is still that innocence and push to achieve and do. However, the reality of needing to survive and make a living so that you can do what you want comes rolling in, and then the perpetual motion of living sets in, bringing a daily routine and the realization that it is not so easy to do what we want.

Life goes on and family comes with more responsibility, and the time to yourself is even more limited. Unless we are willing to sacrifice certain things and learn to simplify our lives and do without the expected norm, we will be on that hamster wheel that continues turning perpetually. Only when the empty nest comes, will you have more time to pursue what you hoped and dreamed of way back when. Unfortunately for most, by then, the physical ability or means may not be what they once were.

Life is a gift, and we should take the time to be true to ourselves, and take a moment. Time goes by too fast to waste time on the over stimulation of life that our world finds itself in now. Even our planet is starting to protest, sending out messages with floods and tornadoes and the like. It is saying ““pay close attention to what you are doing to the environment.” The energy and vibes it is absorbing from all the electronic pollution each day disrupts the normal cycle of things.

Is there anyone left anymore who isn’t walking with something plugged into their ears, or typing  and looking at the screen in their hands? No one just walks quietly anymore and pays attention to where they are at that given moment, as they are all too busy and distracted . Look at the little ones who are too young to have been exposed to this yet; innocent until they are old enough to absorb  mainstream living and they stop naturally exploring the world around them in deference to the electronic world.

Let’s try go back to that time to try and capture and breathe in the innocence of life without interference…just for a little while each day. Take your family outside to enjoy nature and enjoy each other’s company, play games that don’t require a computer or television. Teach them to communicate and express themselves by talking face to face. Take time to love, live and laugh (remember this adage?) We need to hold on to those wonderful times of exploration, real communication, soltitude at certain times to take in our world and appreciate it so we can quite simply be in the moment.

Let’s not lose ourselves in the melee of the world and what it expects for then it will truly liberate us.


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The Beauty of Green

As we ride through the countryside we see the beautiful green of the meadows, hills and mountains. It spreads its carpet of grasses as far as the eye can see and a horizon of trees rising tall and proud, high into the sky, complementing the azure blue.  Spring populates the landscape with beautiful, delicate  and sometimes bold patches of color. As summer comes into full bloom, with exception to landscaped homes that have planned gardens and plenty of perennial plants coloring their plot of land, everything becomes lush varying degrees of green amongst the other wild plants and native weeds that grow along the side of the roads and fields.

Green is found in nature for a reason; It is calming to the soul. The eyes feast on all this, transmitting it to the brain, and  that triggers a feeling of well being.  Add to that the redolent scent of nature as you drive along and your body begins to unwind. Have you ever smelled sunshine? You can! Close your eyes on a warm day in the woods or a meadow. The sun warmed earth near the woods emits a certain scent of earthy fern, mushroom and pine. Meadows have a wonderful warm grassy scent that feels soft and comforting. A warm breeze blows, rendering the meadow a gentle, undulating mass of long uncut grass that looks soft to the touch. All this brings a smile to our face and lets our body relax so we feel embraced by the quietness of an unstressed world.

Memorial day is coming. It’s the official start to summer in America.  We should  remember the  veterans who’ve proudly served our country, and be grateful. Grateful for those of our loved ones who are with us, but especially remembering those who have fallen protecting our freedom. We need to take advantage of the freedom we have and set ourselves free by exploring the beautiful world outside.Take in the scents, sounds and beauty of the season. Quite simply, let the gorgeous greenery of nature surround us with all its precious loving energy, and always remember to take the time to enjoy all it gives


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Loving ourselves should be an important part of every day . No matter what stage of life, we should always try to be kind and gentle, allow for mistakes and take the time to take care of ourselves. If we don’t who will? If we are constantly running around taking care of everything and everyone but don’t take the time to take care of us, then we  cannot function correctly and do things right anywhere else- so let’s begin by embracing this concept and giving ourselves the attention we deserve.

In our culture it is almost accepted that we need to suffer and sacrifice to help others. To a certain degree, there will always be some sacrifice, but not to the extent that we completely ignore and need to deny ourselves almost everything! People work for corporations, and find that the demands and hours required for work means sacrificing family time. More and more, we tend to just do as they say, afraid of doing anything different. From this, we plunge our children into too many “programs” to  keep  them busy or have someone watch them while we are at work. At what price? We end up exhausted from keeping up the pace.We don’t spend any quality time with those we love,  in the meantime resentment and anger keeps building under the surface until we collapse and get sick, or realize that a lot of life has passed by without any kind of enjoyment. The energy of love is at the center of all of life, and should be felt fully so that we can truly live.

As life goes on today, it seems that the world has completely turned around,  especially where children are concerned. They need to be taught self love, but NOT as it stands with them practically getting everything they want immediately, which seems to be this generation’s modus operandi. It is taking its toll on business,  parents and grandparents alike.This instant gratification generation will need to change their expectations of what life owes them as they grow into adulthood. We need to be a healthy example of a good balance of caring for ourselves, so that everything else falls into place.

 Remember this: if a building does not have a solid foundation, what happens to it? It falls. We cannot keep propping it up, as another part will just crumble. So, it stands to reason that we need to take care of that first, so that all else stands on solid ground. And so, this is how our relationships, businesses and family structure needs to be. Learn to give a little love to yourselves, and not only will children and others learn respect, but they will learn by example. They will also learn boundaries, which most people in our society seem to cross nowadays  with social media and texting and less interpersonal connection.

So, let’s remember the next time we feel stressed: settle down; breathe deep and take a bit of time to give ourselves some love and attention, and not only will we benefit, but so will everyone else!


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Spring is time for growth. Tender green shoots appear, beautiful buds and flowers that offer a canvas of exploding color everywhere you turn. Life has begun again.

It is a time when people begin anew too. Hope springs up alongside life stirring as nature awakens. People smile more. We begin to notice small things- like the bird that comes under the window and sings its morning song; the sun that rises and warms us earlier than before, beckoning us to start our day and explore the possibilities. Each new day offers us just what the season of spring encompasses- GROWTH. Every day, we can begin anew forgetting the mistakes and moving on to make strides, learn and make everything in our world right.

Spring makes us appreciate what’s good. It’s a time when people slow down a bit, start to sit outside and eat a delicious meal, or have a drink with friends on a terrace overlooking a beautiful scene, or sidewalk cafe.  We can delight in a pre-season walk along the beach, listening to the waves crash as the still cool wind carries a salty mist with it as the gulls sing their songs and the sun brings promise of the coming summer heat.  We are in touch with the earth as we dig and make room for new plants and flowers for our gardens. Inspiration comes easier, as moods lift along with  longer periods of daylight and the accompanying warmth that promises to stay.

It’s a perfect time to simplify our routines, clean up our eating a bit or perhaps even act on those resolutions we tend to make at the New Year and never really quite start. So, put a happy spring in your step, start your day with a smile and quite simply, choose to grow in every way!

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Just Breathe

Breathing. It’s something we do all the time, yet hardly something we pay  much attention to. It is most necessary in order for us to live, and from such comes the saying ” the breath of life”. When we do pay attention, it is when our breathing comes faster and shallower from a stressful situation, or panic attacks. Asthma and its shortness of breath. Hiccups come along, and we try everything to correct the misalignment of our diaphragm and regular rhythm of breathing, sometimes making it painful.

There are so many things that attack us out in the world, whether it is pollen, pet dander, mold and the like, it’s a wonder we keep on going! We try to pay attention to breathing when we exercise, especially doing yoga, which actually brings breathing into focus. This  is an integral part of yogic practice. In saying this, we need to understand that 80 percent of the population takes shallow breaths! Unless we are fully conscious of our breathing, we do not breathe correctly. We only breathe through from the chest, and we need to breathe deeper, bringing breaths through the belly as well. As a result, we have many ailments that can manifest because of these shallow breathing patterns.

Oxygen is vital to our existence. Our blood needs oxygen so we feel more energetic, feel less aches and pains and for our brain to function well. So many well to do people go after an anti-aging panacea, whether it’s creams, drinks, vitamins, exercises…and now, they take drops to enhance oxygen absorption into the bloodstream for better overall health and beauty. Remember the hyperbaric chamber? It got sick people better. How? Oxygen!

All these gimmicks and gadgets are there to make money and promises, and all the while, we have everything we need at our fingertips. WE can get our own rich supply of oxygen. We just need to learn how to breathe! Why do you think aerobic exercise gives us such a feeling of well being and euphoria? It’s not just our muscles that gain the benefit, but our blood as well.  As we exercise, oxygen uptake is enhanced as a result of deeper, harder breathing which comes naturally when we exert ourselves.

We can make deeper breathing a habit which will bring us better health, just by paying close attention to our breathing and posture when we sit, stand and even lay down. Do breathing exercises, and breathing deep will become habit, thereby bringing us all kinds of amazing health benefits.

Imagine, we can do this without any fancy machines and things, because we as human beings have ALL that we need to keep ourselves healthy. If we stop and take stock of what our bodies are capable of, we just need to implement these simple things that have naturally been given us. Unfortunately, modern life has robbed us of using the mechanics of our  bodies, and rely on machinery to get us through most everything. We will evolve eventually, with needing less fingers (only two, to text with!) and ….need we even think about what else about our bodies could change and morph into as a result of all this technology?

We need to re-learn the simple things we actually are equipped to do and and use the simple and natural tools to want to make ourselves healthier and stronger. Learning to breathe, slowly and deeply. Inhaling the beauty life has to offer us as we perhaps watch a beautiful sunset, or listen to the waves as they rush up the sand, feeling vibrant and strong navigating nature’s paths, no matter what part of the world we end up exploring.

Remember to take each day as it comes and to take time to be in the moment. Then inhale and simply breathe.


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Close your eyes and listen to the gentle noise of rain. It soothes, washes and feeds. Nature taking care of us whether we are aware of it or not.

It feeds the rivers lakes and oceans. It waters the earth and gives nourishment to the plants just as the sun does, giving  its share of the feeding. It washes away dust and dirt, and feeds our human body with its negative ions that give us that feeling of strength and well-being. Something as simple as rain, taken for granted, sometimes grumbled at- is so strongly necessary for all life on earth.

As life goes on, these rainy days are just there, nuisance or not, a part of everyday. Until we don’t have it (a drought). Then we start to realize the impact of such a simple but amazing act of nature. April showers bring May flowers. Indeed. Nature’s show of all the beautiful flowers blooming after the long sleep of winter is a balm to the soul. The birds migrating back and starting the nesting process to bring new life, take refuge in rain’s puddles, gracefully dancing while drinking and cleaning themselves. Their birdsong is more beautiful than any sound we can invent.

So when we start to complain about yet another rainy day, let’s remember what it gives us- the world is a much bigger place than our small little box. When you step outside before going off to start your day, take a look around you. Breathe the air that is being cleansed by rain.  Inhale that rich, full bodied scent. Notice the the mist and beautiful cloud formations  in the distance as they roll ever so slowly across the landscape. Pay attention to  the birds joyfully flitting about, enjoying their wet and wild piece of the world. See the beautiful flowers emerging, droplets hanging off  their leaves and blossoms, looking like diamonds as the light of the day hits and reflects off of them. If you have the luxury of staying home, find a cozy corner and settle in with a good book, or just close your eyes and listen to the pattern of  rain as it pours down or falls softly, just soothing your soul.

Now go enjoy the rainy as well as the sunny days we have, and remember the blessings we receive from the simple but beautiful things nature offers us each day!

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Step into spring

Spring. The very word brings images of fresh air and sunshine, flowers, and trees budding and the sweet smell of the earth warming and awakening. It never fails to bring a smile to people’s faces, and the cheery optimism that comes with longer days. We bask in the first warm day, taking in the sun’s embrace like a flower, turning to face it and enjoying the feeling it spreads, going straight to the heart. We yearn to see the beautiful colors that start to bloom everywhere, the brightness of the sun accentuating everything you see. Spring is like one big cat like stretch, with all the readiness to go out, explore and be more social.

People start moving; the yard beckons, walks are more favorable and yearned for. The couch potato becomes a thing of winter past. Nature truly is our most powerful medicine. All the simple things that we forget are there for us, are noticed once again. We have a need to go outside after being cooped up for so long against the cold dark winter. Our bodies were designed for movement, but our more complicated suburban and city living doesn’t fit the mold too much anymore, and modern conveniences have taken over. But, as we learn, sometimes more conveniences and choices  equal more complications. Simply speaking,  it has trained us to rely on the internet and phone to do the walking for us!

Stick with the simple things. Breathe fresh air, take in the sunshine, enjoy the company of family and friends, drink clean water, eat clean foods, love what you do and be active each day. These are the only things you need to truly stay healthy and happy for a long time to come.

So, enjoy the good weather that has finally arrived and put that “spring” into your step!



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Simple energy

Energy. It’s a simple word, yet it has so many images and feelings to convey.

Energy to run, jump, and apply yourself to perfect physical conditioning. Energy to sing a beautiful song and give feeling to it depending on mood. Energy given to people in an expression of love, and sometimes, sadly, energy given to anger and its hold on keeping things out of proper proportion. The whole world is comprised of energy of some sort. We are  made up of a physical and spiritual energy, sometimes able to reach a different plane, depending on how disciplined or advanced we are.

Think of why sometimes a stranger’s smile or look can completely change how you feel- warmth and a slow spread of happiness can come from this, and we don’t know why. We are made of the energy of love. Some people naturally cannot be anything but kind, no matter what happens to them in this world. Others carry a chip on their shoulder, carrying all the hurts and unkindnesses  they’ve endured, not able to let go. This makes life difficult and full of hurt. It makes it lonely, and of course painful for those that love them. They do not understand the energies they put forth with all that burdens them. Letting go would help, but alas, so many find it easier to hold on to what they know, rather than delve into the unknown, even though in the end it may be a glorious release.

We are all a part of a living energy that makes up our world. Unfortunately, there is so much technology, that we are short circuiting ourselves! We are bound more than ever, boxing ourselves into a smaller and narrower space, leaving ourselves very little breathing space. No wonder everyone has an issue with one thing or another, people are angrier and seem to be more restricted  and tied to things than ever before. Our energy is confused, rattled, and zapping what little simple, good things we used to rely on for a good life. Our outer space is overcrowded. Soon there is to be no spare room for any more radio waves for our ever expanding gadgets that “connect” us to everything so instantaneously. What will we do?

Ever increasingly, our spirit is tormented with the unseen energies that have invaded us..for our very souls ARE energy, and this is being tampered with. Brains cannot shut off due to the electronic leash we have tied ourselves to. This in turn, has given rise to sleep problems, and many psychological diseases that seem to be permeating our society of late. We cannot possibly exist without peace of mind.This cannot be achieved until we let go of some of the modern conveniences of our time, or unless the unthinkable happens- where all technology will eventually reach its peak and crash as all things seem to when they are pushed to the limit.

We need to be in tune to our energy. This is what comprises our life’s blood, our well being. Ignoring it will just bring unhappiness, and for some, it is never understood, because they are going after the wrong solution. Positive thinking will always bring about good. When one is positive, then all things, even if they seem daunting, will somehow pass better than expected. On the other hand, negativity begets more negativity. Remember the old adage of haste makes waste? Well that is certainly true here- negative thinking and anger just perpetuate more mistakes, more unhappiness as a result.

It’s simple, really. Positive energy begets positive results. Negative energy nets negative outcomes. Try it. Take a day, that no matter what happens, you will stay positive. Even if things don’t work out the way you’d like, the day turns out okay, and sometimes better than you originally thought. There is not only one way to skin a cat after all!

So, breathe deep and feel the wonder of you!


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Love is in the air

February is the month for love. Traditionally Valentine’s day dominates all stores, urging everyone to dedicate a special day to their beloved. Hearts adorn shop windows, chocolates and confections of all sorts as well as jewelry and restaurant dinners are promoted. Show your LOVE, they say. People hurriedly shop last minute for that special gift, along with a card, because they are supposed to. How many people become sad or unhappy, because they have no one, while the media and retail reminds them that if you are loved, someone will buy you something?

True love is not like that. It is not one day dedicated to consumerism. Love is a constant; it is  an amazing, beautiful all encompassing emotion of ups and downs that rides out the test of time. It makes it through the difficult times and makes for stronger ties that bind you together- whether it is your spouse, family or a person that truly makes a difference in your life.

Nothing in the retail media saturated world can even come close to emoting and showing what love is. It is not in things, but in a look that says it all without needing words; helping someone anonymously; looking deeply into the eyes of your infant and falling completely in love with this being created by you and yours; being happy in the world you created for yourself in work and play; enjoying what nature has to offer and drinking in the boundless energy and beauty it offers us day after day- a constant. Love is many things, and for each one of us, it’s different. Nothing can even come close to explaining it, and I for one, feel the world at large tries to contain it and make it be something it isn’t. It’s like saying things are black or white- our world, our emotions, our love is anything but that!

Valentine’s day should be an everyday thing. People should take each day as it comes and put love into everything they do- the energy of love is the most powerful weapon  we posses. Loving YOURSELF should be the first step. For without that, none of us have the true depth of understanding how to simply love anyone or anything else in the world. Loving yourself is the healthiest emotion, and with that your heart opens up and gives you the ability to truly live. Simple, yes, but the most honest assessment of how love makes the world go round.

February has recently been designated the month to be aware of and promote heart health. What better thing to bring your attention to this than the month when Valentine’s day originates? Wear red, they say, to show your support and bring people’s awareness to the surface of this cause. Donate to research. Eat healthier. Go for that check up. These are the things they tell you, all in the guise of advertisement for the love and betterment of your health.

LOVE  in its simplest and rawest form IS surprisingly what keeps you healthy! All the advertisements in the world, good healthy food etc. is necessary, but LOVE given freely and unconditionally is what heals. Without that, all the rest simply won’t work.

So, let’s take the time to really heal, and make true love be a priority above all else. This is the simple, wonderful amazing remedy to fix all that ails us. Arm yourself with love, and the world is yours above and beyond anything you can ever buy.

Happy Valentine’s day!



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